Sometimes I just want to humiliate myself and dont care about it. I have been trying to be the good guy and noone cared. So why? I have hit the bottom emotionally and just going with the flow. Maybe I need to be the wave again. What do you think?
I dont say that I am a very good person. I have never been that romantic guy. I am realistic and I can take challenges. I can be strong and vulnerable like every human being should be. However this comes and goes over the past 10 years have made me less caring unfortunately. People think I have been a better person however I am just more experienced. This does not make me a "better" person. Some will understand this when it is too late. I will be long gone by then. This is no joke and I am not a toy. BRING IT ON!
Feels like its not my home most of the time. Its just a place where I spend my time. The only one feels like I am attached is son. Its so sad I feel sorry for my commitments sometimes. I was not smart and did not play this well. Hope is not the answer anymore lets just say next time...
Some don't have the courtesy to try, some even dont reply. Those are the ones that make you suffer. I am going to avoid that at all costs. I am finding my lost puzzle pieces. When I have them all I wont be needy. I will be greedy. Noone cares I know, but its just my life you know.